The Code of Ethics defines all of Caffè Borbone (the “Company”)’s fundamental principles and rules of conduct. These standards are based on our Vision, our Mission and our values and constitute a solid reference for the sustainable success of the Italmobiliare Group (the “Group”) to which the Company belongs, contributing to the creation of long-term shared values. Also guiding our actions is the set of policies adopted and regularly updated by the Company in accordance with Group policies, in particular those related to the issue of sustainability.

Caffè Borbone fully embraces the sustainable strategy of Italmobiliare Group, through policies, management, operating methods and initiatives tailored to its specific features, contributing to the promotion of a healthy, inclusive and sustainable global economy, respectful of human and employment rights, capable of protecting the environment and actively involved in the integrity of the business, in all its aspects.

To this end, Caffè Borbone supports the Italmobiliare Group’s involvement with the Global Compact, shares, supports and implements the Ten Fundamental Principles within its sphere of influence, actively contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The observance of the principles and provisions of the Code of Ethics is the fundamental behaviour that binds the directors, employees, partners and all those who work in any capacity with Caffè Borbone in all the Company’s internal and external relationships.

In particular, the members of the Board of Directors are required to be guided by the principles of the Code when setting objectives, proposing investments and implementing projects, as well as in any decision or action relating to the businesses they manage; similarly, the managers, in the practical implementation of their management activities, must be guided by the same principles, both internally, thereby strengthening the unity and spirit of mutual cooperation, and towards third parties who come into contact with the Company.

The updated Code of Ethics is available at the following link:

The sustainability policies are available at the following link:

Sustainability Report is available at the following link:


Code of conduct for suppliers is available at the following link:


General Conditions of Supply are available at the following link:


The organisation, management and control model ex D.lgs 231/2001 is available at the following link: