In this section you can find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the online purchase of pods, capsules and coffee machines on our e-commerce site.
Yes, you must register to order and access to all the sections of the site in order to provide all the information necessary for the fulfillment of your order: delivery address, VAT for invoicing etc.
You can put in your shopping cart all the products that you want without being registered, but you will be required to register when you want to finalize the order.
The registration will give you access to your personal area, where you can monitor the status of your orders, manage delivery addresses etc...
In addition, by registering, you will have the opportunity to receive information about news and / or promotions related to products with our newsletter.
Your informations will be only used for the management of the order and will not be absolutely provided to third parties.
Der Versand hat eine feste Gebühr von 6 Euro, die zurückgesetzt werden kann, wenn Sie eine Bestellung von mindestens 40,00 € für Italien und 55,00 € für das Ausland oder ein beliebiges Produkt mit kostenlosem Versand aufgeben. Nachnahme (Nachnahme) kostet zusätzlich 4 € und ist nur für Italien verfügbar, bei einem Bestellwert zwischen 40,00 € und 1.000,00 € inklusive etwaiger Versandkosten. HINWEIS: Ein Versand nach Livigno und Campione d'Italia ist nicht möglich. Im Übrigen ist die Lieferung stets „roadside“ zu verstehen; Der Spediteur kann entscheiden, das Paket auf dem Boden zuzustellen, dies ist jedoch kein garantierter Service, da dies im Ermessen des einzelnen Spediteurs liegt.
No, the C.O.D. must always be paid in cash, please note that this method is not available for shipments abroad.
We also advise you to have the right amount to avoid errors or delays because the courier can hardly provide the rest.
Delivery is in 24 to 48 working hours from the date of shipping depending on the destination.
The proof of postage is signaled by email.
ATTENTION: The timing indicated by couriers are reported as average distance.
They don't represent in any case a contractual obligation.
Don't worry: the goods aren't returned to the sender. The Courier will leave the docket of attempted delivery. The goods will be re-delivery to the first working day (depending on the courier). Alternatively you can contact your local office of the courier, who has charge of your delivery, to the number provided on the aforementioned docket and agree with them on the day and time of delivery.
The type of delivery used doesn't provide delivery on appointment.
Generally Couriers deliver from 8.30 to 18 / 18:30.
You can indicate in order notes delivery preferences such as "delivery morning / afternoon", "delivery from / after ..." and in any case by time zone not less than 3 hours.
Your preference will be reported to the carrier but does not constitute a constraint, at least for the first pass.
Instead requests such as "delivery from 12.15 to 13 ..." or "delivery at lunchtime" aren't accepted.
Usually for the first step the courier attempts delivery without phone contact.
If we are required, we will be reported on the label, but we can't give assurance that the driver performs this provision.
At the end of the ordering process you will be automatically reported the successful of this and the order code just entered.
In any case, if the order was entered correctly, you are displayed in the section "Your Orders" that you can access after logging in, click on your user or on the section "My Profile".
Payments by credit card are made through Paypal that acts as support's bank. You don't need to be registered and have an account to pay.
Simply click on the indication "Don't have a Paypal account?" and it will open the normal form of credit cards.
Transactions through Paypal are secure and certified.
NOTE: There is no trace in any of our records of the code of the Credit Card.
All orders shipped from our warehouses are perfectly packed and sealed, so that the package is protected from accidental opening.
If at the moment of delivery you observe that the packaging is damaged, the box is ruined or shows signs of tampering or opening, it is your right to report it to the courier and possibly accept the goods as "subject to verification". In this way, after it reported, we will evaluate the possible damage and agree on what to do.
We'll take care of the problem with the courier.
No, the verification can be carried out only after acceptance of delivery. It's important to remember that the courier doesn't know the contents and / or the quantity of the goods.
If you have problems about your orders you must always refer to our Customer Service (800 811 137 from Italy and +39 081 18 92 00 46 from abroad).
Yes. You shall promptly report with a message from the site through the form "contact us".
The most important thing is to verify the correct details of the order to be canceled: the order number and the email address of reference.
The price shown for each product is referred to the single sales package, in the description of the same is reported the number of pieces contained.
The price includes VAT (22%) BUT DOESN'T INCLUDE the accessory kit of service (cups, stirrers, sugar); this kit can be purchased separately in the section "filters and spare parts".
The price DOESN'T INCLUDE shipping fees, which have a fixed cost to be added to the total of the goods purchased.
Yes, all the prices of the products on the site include VAT at 22% *.
*NOTE: For some products, such as tea, infusions, flavored ... the tax is 10%.
If you are not sure you can see which products are available for your coffee machine in several ways:
1. In the section "Need Help" (in the menu to the left) are present the most brands of coffee machines on the market. If you click on the photo of your coffee machine you can find the products that can be ordered.
2. You can search on "Search by machine type" by selecting from the dropdown menu brand and model possessed
3. You can enter the specific model of the coffee machine in the search field.
You must simply recover the mail of order summary that you receive.
Under the list of purchased products there is a link, clicking on it you will return to the page of the online bank to repeat the procedure.
You must simply select, copy and paste all rows of the link into the address bar of your browser.
At the time of shipment will be sent a confirmation email with a link to the courier's website for tracking.
You can also check your order status in the special section of the site.
ATTENTION: it's possible that already delivered orders result still in the works.
The email is sent at the moment of the order management.
The tracking is visible only after the courier issued the shipping code, which usually happens the day of shipment after 21.00.
The coupons allow you to get discounts on an order.
Some of these you can get shopping on partners sites, others are sent to all customers through newsletters for special promotions or related to specific product lines.
The codes must be entered in the appropriate box of the cart and clicking on "apply coupon".
The codes will not be applicable if the cart already contains a particular promotion.
You must also verify any limitations of the same, as product expiration or minimum of order.
There is the address field at the checkout: you can enter and select a new destination clicking on "new address".
The new address will be saved in the profile and will be selected for future orders.
If delivery is not regularly done at home, we recommend you to create a new address by adding next to the reference surname the word "at" or "c / o" followed by the specification, such as shop / bar etc, or the name of your company / office to avoid delays in delivery.
You can also report in the box "Note Options Customer" any opening / closing days etc...
You can change your profile from private to company clicking on "add billing information" and selecting "company" instead of "person".
After entering the required fields and saving your changes, you can continue with your order confirmation.
The system, accessing the cart with an order already placed, offer the possibility to choose the change of the payment of the current order or enter a new one.
Caffè Borbone hat verschiedene Niederlassungen und Filialen, die auf der ganzen Welt verteilt sind. Unsere Niederlassungen finden Sie unter dem Link caffeborbone.com
Unser Unternehmen ist immer auf der Suche nach neuen Vertretern. Falls Sie sich dem Team von Caffè Borbone anschließen möchten, schicken Sie Ihre Bewerbung bitte an caffeborbone@caffeborbone.it
Die Bereitstellung von Zuckertütchen und Rührstäbchen beim Kauf der Kits liegt im Ermessen des jeweiligen Händlers.
Derzeit sind die Produkte von Caffè Borbone mit Maschinen der Marken Nespresso®* und Lavazza®* A modo mio®* kompatibel.
Die Respresso sind mit allen Modellen mit Ausnahme von Nespresso®* Lattissima kompatibel.
Die Kapseln Espresso point®* sind nicht kompatibel mit: Lavazza®* EP 1800, EP 2500 PLUS, LB 850, EP 850.
Die Außenhülle der Pads ist im Restmüll zu entsorgen. Der Becher und das Rührstäbchen können erst im Trennmüll entsorgt werden, nachdem sie von Kaffeeresten befreit wurden. Das Zuckertütchen ist im Papier- und das Pad im Biomüll zu entsorgen.
Unsere Produkte können online unter www.caffeborboneonline.com erworben werden.
Nein, für den Kauf der Produkte können wir Sie allerdings mit einem Händler aus der Umgebung in Verbindung setzen.
Unser Zubehör kann auf caffeborboneonline.com oder in unseren Verkaufsstellen erworben werden.
Unsere Produkte können Sie entweder in unseren Verkaufsstellen oder online auf unserer Website caffeborboneonline.com beziehen.
Nein, derzeit hat unser Unternehmen noch keine Kapseln produziert, die mit diesem Modell kompatibel sind..
Nein, Kaffee enthält von Natur aus kein Gluten.
Nein, es gibt keine mit diesem Modell kompatiblen Produkte
Die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden liegt uns besonders am Herzen. Bei Problemen oder Anregungen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Schicken Sie uns bei Problemen bitte eine E-Mail an quality@caffeborbone.it. Ein zuständiger Mitarbeiter wird Ihnen schnellstmöglich antworten.